View source. History Talk 4. Do you like this video? Play Sound. For the combat amulet, see Amulet of fury. Disassembly XP 1. See the table below for all values, and Junk for more information. Reduction Junk chance None 1 Defined properties: All Junk chance: RDF feed. All Icons. All Is members only. All Item ID. All Junk chance. All Release date.
All Value. All Weight. Is members only1. Is members only2. Is members only3. Is members only4. Is members only5. Is members only6. Is members only7. Is members only8. Item ID1. Item ID2. Item ID3. Item ID4. Item ID5. Item ID6. Item ID7. Item ID8.
Junk chance. Release date1. Therefore, let's say that on your server, thorium bars cost 3g a stack, runecloth 1g, rugged leather 2g and dense stone 2g. That means each turn in costs 3g for thorium, 4g for leather, and 3. Comment by You can obtain either the Orb or Amulet of the Darkmoon by collecting tickets by handing in specific items. Note: In all of this, the auction house is your friend!
You can gain a head start by solely handing in Vibrant Plumes. If you hand in other low level items you will gain less tickets and require more of an effort with the higher end - so don't do it! A total of Vibrant Plumes is required for 25 turn ins 5 per turn in. Giving you a total of tickets. Now you require more tickets. This equates to 45 turn ins, or depending on your choice of item: Evil Bat Eyes 45 stacks. Good luck! Comment by Thottbot how to get soooo many tickets? I can't find stuff to farm for tickets" whine whine whine whine whine Comment by Allakhazam what do Alchemists need to turn in?
Comment by Allakhazam anyone know what does the alchemist need to turn in at the darkmoon faire to get some tickets? Thank you. Before it was like kinda worth it, but now? Comment by Allakhazam To save yourself on the higher level hand-ins, collect 13 stacks of Vibrant Plumes, which will get you from neutral to friendly; these are easy to farm in an afternoon from harpies. Then start handing in the top gear. Comment by Allakhazam Does anyone, like me, kinda miss a quest along the lines of the coldain shawl?
I realize that with WoW, it would have to focus on one individual tradeskill, or two. But it could be something that uses a majority if not all of the components of your craft. Start with light leather, work your way up to uber stuff.. But must get a reward worthy of all that work.
Comment by Allakhazam Did a little math and it turned out I need rugged leather to get the necklace. That's one weeks farming which I can live with. It's also the best non-epic necklace when it comes to agility and now they are making it epic. Cant wait ;. Comment by Allakhazam Tickets are recovered by turning in several player crafted items. However you must actually do this profession yourself ie to turn in thorium widgets, you must be an engineer.
Be warned it took me around thorium bars and a little over Runecloth to get my tickets! Will there be green drops in BC that are better than this epic? Any idea if I should start grinding or just wait for TBC drops? Comment by Allakhazam There's absolutely no way this necklace is worth the tickets.
Comment by Allakhazam Gotta a few question about this quest if anyone wouldn't mind answering. Do I need a certain faction level to do it? Planning to farm for all the Thorium and Runecloth on my main which is a miner, send that to a friend to have him make the Thorium Widgets, which in turn I'll send to my alt which is going to take up Engineering just long enough to turn in.
Comment by Allakhazam You don't need to be lvl60 to get the Glowing Scorpid Blood and More Glowing Scorpid Blood quests and you don't need any specific faction nor tradeskill lvl to turn in the tickets.
Which means, if u are engineer, it's freaking expensive to get tickets and it takes ages to farm all that thorium, besides u need runecloth too to craft the bars. Did this for 10 days, easiest way to farm this amulet. And I got loads of greens and scorpid fangs, some thorium too.