The attention to detail here is that Whedon clearly has this odd part of Anya's back-story that just exists , but is played consistently for the rest of her time as a character.
Of course, it most likely started as a gag in the Halloween episode just to show Anya being "wierd" and worked so well they kept it. Not everything brilliant has to be planned that way. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more.
What's with the bunny hate? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. Active 2 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 3k times. In "Once More With Feeling" she sings what might be my favorite lyrics of all time: Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes, They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.
Improve this question. This isn't an in-joke, it's an idiosyncrasy tailor-made for silliness. Is there any reason whatsoever to think this has been, or needs to be, explained? Very interesting and totally in-line with the Sabrina The Teenage Witch history, where witches took down the reign of King Bunny. In Chinese Astrology, Tarot. And it seems that pop culture has also developed a certain fear of those cute long ears and puffy little cottontail.
Cult hit movie Donny Darko features the creepy Frank the Bunny. So even though bunnies look super cuddly and cute, pop culture definitely wants audiences to look beyond the adorableness — because maybe it's a cover for something more sinister. Who killed Anya in Buffy?
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Angel had sex with Buffy when she was 17, but he felt in love with her when she was Does Amy become human again? What killed Buffy mom? And this whole story about how scared they were and yay capitalism ended with what they thought was the most horrific part of the tale: How they were just hiding out behind some random house somewhere and suddenly this giant rodent appeared and scared them senseless.
Between the name Anya and the rabbit thing I imagine someone saw that episode of Donahue and remembered it as fondly as I do. They are lagomorphs. The difference has to do with the of teath and the method of chewing IIRC. Not that Anya would know or care. You expect Soviet refugees who were ignorantly fearful of the bunny-beastie to know that it was a lagomorph and not a rodent?
Why was that Buffy character Anya afraid of bunnies? Cafe Society. Thanks, J.