Who is angela maiers

Genius Hour is one or more periods per week where students work on passion projects. Genius Hour is a chance for students to ask themselves these questions: What matters to me? What breaks my heart about the world today? The answers to those questions could point to their passion projects. Mattergrams are creative, interpersonal messages to let people know you are thinking of them and that they matter — not just to you, but to the world.

VP Education , Microsoft Corporation. She was just awesome to hear speak. Really authentic. I love that she came to our HR community to show us know we can be instrumental in making people believe that they matter to our organization.

We need this. Her message is simple but very powerful. We are living through a period of rapid change and many feel growing insecurity as a result. Her empowerment of children gives us hope for a powerful future. Change Maker. Angela Maiers is a world-renowned author, entrepreneur, international keynote speaker, and educator, whose transformative message of the importance of mattering has the power to unleash the genius in us all.

Watch Video. Her speeches, workshops, and books leave audiences resonating with the power to transform.

Angela has been featured in:. Join Angela on Clubhouse! AngelaMaiers Follow Angela for interactive discussions about the movement of Mattering. Keynote Speaker — Angela Maiers. Speaking Audiences who hear Angela Maiers speak skip right past inspired and find themselves transformed. She has been praised by leaders in business, the military, and administrators of schools of every level from elementary to graduate, around the globe for the life-changing, world-changing impact she has had on the hundreds of thousands of lives with whom she has reached with her message of Mattering.

She is the author of 9 books on education, including the noted Genius Matters and Classroom Habitudes, and was for many years a prolific contributor to the Huffington Post on innovation, technology, and education. A much sought-after speaker at conferences, organizations, schools and communities around the globe, Angela's singular focus is on transforming the people she reaches to set in motion a change of behaviors and perspectives that will draw out the potential in every person and result in a positive impact on the world.

She describes her transformative message and methods as common sense put into common practice, though deeply-grounded in science. An educator for 30 years, Angela's work in 78, classrooms across countries has rallied more than a million children who have banded together to launch social enterprises and pass 17 laws.

What resulted was the start of a movement which became the global non-profit organization, Choose2Matter. As its Founder, Angela's mission is to help individuals recognize their value and potential contribution to change both their own lives and the world.

With her background in education and neuroscience, she initially sought to challenge and inspire students to work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions to social problems. In recent years, Choose2Matter has evolved into a movement that supports parents, educators, employees, and members of the military everywhere.

Change Maker.


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