Purchase this character pack to add the Ranger to your character collection. He is then available to choose in all game modes. The City, a new Region expansion board for Talisman, provides players with three alternative endings, its own deck, a host of shops for all your questing needs, and six new characters. Collect bounties listed on the Wanted Posters at the City Gate and fill your pockets with gold before doing some serious spending.
The expansion comes with 3 new characters, the doom slayer, the grave robber and the vampire hunter. There are also some new alternative ending cards with this expansion. The main draw though is the day and night cycle that this expansion enables.
During the day, all creatures are minus 1 attack roll. But one must beware, for within the Highland dwells the feared Eagle King, guardian of the source of magic. Intruders and fortune-seekers will receive no mercy, for he has not forgotten that jewels were stolen from him now adorn the Crown of Command itself.
This Talisman expansion adds a new Region to the game for heroes to explore. A custom-fitted map board and over new cards bring this mountainous realm vividly to life. Six brand-new characters are each brought to life with a superbly detailed plastic miniature and offer fantastic new playing experiences. Dungeon lands in this near bottom spot on the list of the best Talisman Board Game expansions because it does provide some good additions, but no where near the other big-box expansions available.
The ancient door crumbles to splinters. A cleated boot kicks away rotting wood and a sword clears thick cobwebs from the path. The torch throws darting shadows on damp stone walls and the Dungeon lies revealed. Who has the courage to plunge into the darkness and confront its perils? Legends say that in the deepest pits of this abyss, the Lord of Darkness stands watch over a vast treasure and portal that leads to the Crown of Command.
This Talisman expansion adds a new region to the game for heroes to explore. A custom-fitted map board and over new cards bring this subterranean realm vividly to life. Five brand-new characters, the formidable Gladiator, noble Amazon, dashing Swashbuckler, enigmatic Gypsy, and sagacious Philosopher, are each brought to life with a superbly detailed plastic miniature and offer fantastic new playing experiences.
The players need to brave untold dangers and discover what lies in the darkness beneath the world of Talisman. Dragon takes a middle spot on the list of the best Talisman Board Game expansions because the new materials are fresh and great, but still not as good as others.
Three Draconic Lords have returned to their ancestral home in the Firelands, each one claiming dominance over territory and fighting to claim the legendary Crown of Command as his own. For he who claims this mighty artifact shall be crowned Dragon King, and all living things will bow to his tyrannical rule or suffer his rage. A new quest for the Crown of Command has begun, more terrifying and dangerous than ever before. This Talisman expansion offers players even more choices and strategic challenges, including a new, dual-sided Inner Region for their heroes to conquer.
With this new content, you can walk your own path through the Woodland corner board, encountering strange new creatures, events, and dangers. In this Talisman expansion even more waits beneath the boughs of the Woodland, however. Both bring new characters and endings to the game. This kind of sets the tone for all the other expansions and should make adapting to new mechanics a bit easier.
Quartzquiz View Profile View Posts. You will notice when you play just the base game there are cards that stay on the board for the whole game as well as the Neutral alignment characters get shortchanged out of good weapons and items. I suggest Reaper and The Sacred Pool.
The Reaper expansion has cards like Closed Shop and Curfew which clears strangers and places off the board. The Sacred Pool balances up all the alignments quite nicely. Oh blimey, all these different views! Thanks guys. Any other opinions? Farcast View Profile View Posts. Last edited by NiedobrySadysta ; 6 Dec, pm. Cataclysm: the last expansion from the 4th revised edition the others are from Nomad, and are DE exclusive.
The major change is that there is no more free healing at Chapel, no more Alchemist in the City, etc Instead, when you go to such a place, you draw one Denizen card. Then, after having drawn a Denizen card and placing it on the space, you choose which one you encounter. After encounter, the Denizen might stay on the space you drew them, or leave.
So, in order to heal, you have to be lucky enough to draw a healer denizen there are several. Another major change is that at the start of the game, Remnants cards are placed on particular spaces - these may grant you a significant boost in your early game, so finding them is usually what people do first in that expansion. The Middle Region i didn't mention that however is vastly more rewarding with this expansion the Oasis heals 1 life for free - desert and Runes spaces are "Draw 2 cards".
Now, the DE exclusive: Realm of Souls: adds a "life after death" mechanism. When your character reaches 0 life, he becomes a Ghost. If a Ghost with 0 life loses a life, they are killed once and for all. While you are a Ghost, you don't encounter spaces - but instead you just draw 1 Veil card a card from the ghost realm , which are usually Craft enemies.
If you win the fight, you heal 1 life. If you lose, you lose 1 life. If you manage to get back to your grave where your character died with a strictly greater than 0 amount of life, you can resurrect. However, for mid-to-late game characters, it really feels like they can become truly unkillable. It's also quite a bit RnG since you may be lucky to draw a good card as a Ghost, just like you might find a card that insta-kills you. Ancient Beasts: this expansions adds nothing but Ancient Beasts.
They are NPCs like Reaper or Harbinger that spawns once every set amount of rounds, adjustable by the host I recommend setting it to 20 rounds btw. These Beasts have each a given power, most of them life threatening. If you land on them, you can encounter them to try to take one life out of them. If you succeed, you gain a Beast Reward depends on the Beast. And if you kill them on top of that, you gain an even greater reward. If you set it at 5 rounds, it makes the game unplayable imo.
And it's not even a weapon, so you can cumulate it with something else. But you can only get these rewards in midgame i'd say. Clockwork Kingdom: it adds a "materials" merchants into the game, which moves 1 space clockwork every round. That merchant grants you 1 material for free per visit - then you can pay gold to get more.
Each "material" has a given effect, but that effect is null as long as you haven't combined the material with others. At the end of the turn, you can combine exactly 3 materials to create an item who gets the effects from the materials you combined. However, unlike Ancient Beasts, it is possible to steal these items.. So look out for thieves when you get one of these ; This expansion makes the access to midgame easier, since you can be lucky and start with a strong item right after a couple of rounds.
When combined with Cataclysm, it makes it very worth to stay a couple of rounds in the Outer Region before venturing forth. Wow, thanks for such quick answer :D I think this thread should be pinned to the top, of the forum, because it should be really helpful for new users like me, struggling about which of the many DLC to buy at first, especially your opinion about effects on the game are very valuable, because it's very hard to figuring it just from reading DLC's description and browsing library, without actual experience with them : I was planning to bou Dragon and Werewolf, but after reading your descriptions I bought Grim Reaper, Hihglands and City instead, and I think I will buy also the last three you described :D and the Dragon will wait until I'll be more advanced Could you also describe the rest of DLCs Frostmarch, Sacred Pool, and especially Deep Realms and Nether Realms?
I bought the pirate and ninja as far, but just because I like pirates and ninja xD and I know very little about mechanics yet, so I can't decide which ones could be fun to play.