An ancient village located in the northern Galilee region, Chorazin is located two and a half miles from the other towns that formed what is known as the Evangelical Triangle. Comprised of three towns—Bethsaida, Capernaum, and Chorazin—the Evangelical Triangle is where Jesus spent the bulk of His earthly ministry.
Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.
The gospels make no other mention of Chorazin beyond these references. History tells us the city was abandoned in AD and rebuilt in the 3 rd century. The ruins of the village we see today are from the 4 th century when Chorazin collapsed into ruin after an earthquake.
The partially reconstructed synagogue at Chorazin was probably built in the late 3rd century. It is 70 x 50 feet and sits in a raised section near the center of the town with a beautiful view. This city is remembered as one of the three key cities in which Jesus spent much of his ministry.
Chorazin also has the dubious distinction of being one of the cities that Jesus cursed. The city is mentioned only twice in the New Testament Matt. We know a little about the city from Jewish writings and from history. The city and its surroundings are mentioned in Jewish Talmud b. Menahot 85a. It is praised as an area famous for its very early harvest of grain. This is no doubt due to an abundance of black basalt stones and dark volcanic soil in the area.
Today this natural process is known as insoltation. We learn from history that the city was destroyed, probably by an earthquake, in the fourth century AD and rebuilt in the fifth century. The first archaeological work on the city began in the nineteenth century. The synagogue in Chorazin was discovered as a result of a survey conducted by the Palestine Exploration Fund in In —07 excavations on the city were begun and work was resumed at different times, continuing on as late as — An abundance of coins and other information date the current site clearly to the third and fourth centuries AD.
The excavations in the city have yielded numerous archaeological treasures. The most outstanding of course is the well preserved synagogue made of local black basalt stone. The synagogue measures about 50 feet by 70 feet 15 x 21 m. There are also floral decorations, human and animal figures and surprisingly a well preserved Medusa.
In one of these dwellings very near the synagogue a Jewish ritual bath mikveh has been excavated. Skip to main content. Search form Search. See All Places to Go. Follow us. Facebook Spirit of the Holy Land. Email: Info-NY goisrael. Human Origins. Over the past half-decade, ancient DNA research has revealed some surprising aspects to our evolutionary history during the past 50, years.
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