Trainfan View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by Trainfan :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 12 May, pm. Posts: 4. Discussions Rules and Guidelines.
Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. In The Sims Medieval , Woohoo between two Sims of the opposite gender always carries a chance of pregnancy. As WooHoo is considered to be a romantic interaction, Sims who witness their loved ones engaging in WooHoo with another Sim will always get jealous , resulting in a significant drop in relationship with both Sims.
In The Sims 2 , WooHoo will trigger jealousy if the witnessing Sim is on the same lot where the WooHoo is taking place, even if they are not in the same room. Note: when referring to trying for a baby, the table only states the possibilities for the interaction.
As with all other romantic interactions, blood relatives and teens and younger are automatically prevented from WooHooing although there are hacks that allow both groups to do this, with the exception of Sims younger than teen.
In The Sims 4 , teens are able to "mess around" with other teens, an implication of WooHoo. The differences are that teens will not get a WooHoo-specific moodlet and they will not change to sleepwear when they mess around on a bed, though on the stats section of the Simology menu, messing around counts towards the statistic for times Woohooed. Because of its wide-ranging implications, WooHoo is generally not an autonomous interaction.
This allows Sims to WooHoo and even try for a baby on their own, though the player can still forbid the latter if they want. Another mod on Simbology allows same-sex couples to try for a baby; the Sim that initiates the action will be considered the "mother. Pets can WooHoo in order to breed producing a litter of up to four puppies or kittens , but they require a Sim that has a good relationship with at least one of the pets to direct them, and the pets obviously must have a good relationship.
The gestation period is approximately 72 game hours, just like Sims. If a pet has a poor relationship with the other pet, they will reject the interaction. In The Sims 4 , WooHoo between elders that does not go very well has a chance to give the "Dangerously Tired" moodlet.
When the Sims WooHoo again with the moodlet, they will die from overexertion. The Sims Wiki Explore. Recent posts Game news Community news. Deletion discussions Development discussions Admin discussions Admin's noticeboard. Explore Wikis Community Central.
You won't believe the places your Sims will woohoo. Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash. Adult Sims can "Woohoo" or "Try for Baby" in a wide variety of places. Often, Sims who woohoo off of their home lot will perform a special little walk that looks like strutting. They may also have a little positive moodlet appear in their mood box from woohooing at a public venue.
Certain places or items used for woohooing require expansion packs, as well as the base The Sims 3 game. When this is the case, I will note the expansion pack needed to perform the action. The old standby. This option is available with the base game and is the easiest to accomplish.
To purchase a hot tub, you will need to have purchased and installed the Late Night Expansion Pack. The tub is available to purchase in the plumbing section of the home editor. Note: If you cannot get your Sims to woohoo, it may be that they are not sitting close enough to each other in the hot tub.
You will need to move your Sims so they are sitting next to each other in order to woohoo. The time machine can be built using the inventing workbench; your Sim will most likely need to "invent" several inventions before creating a time machine. When your Sim builds the time machine, it will appear in your family inventory. Have your Sim and a romantic interest head to the festival together and simply have them select 'WooHoo With Achievement: 'What would it be like?
Requirements: WooHoo with a ghost. The best place to get started is with our Sims 4 Ghosts page, for details on how to befriend a ghost. Once you've made contact with the afterlife, you can build Friendly and Romantic relationships with the ghostly Sim. Getting to the point where you can WooHoo with them is surprisingly normal given the circumstances: the advice on improving your chances of successful WooHoo given elsewhere in this guide applies equally to ghosts.
Achievement: 'WooHoo! This is commonly thought of as the hardest of the three WooHoo achievements to unlock; however, this is partly due to a misunderstanding about how the achievement is tracked. Any time a Sim in the currently active household WooHoos with a new Sim who is not part of that household, the counter goes up; meaning that you could get the achievement using a different playable Sim for each encounter if you chose.
The 'Kama-Simtra' Achievement, for having a single Sim WooHoo in every possible object, is still present in the game code but is not currently active. This may be because add-on content frequently introduces new locations where Sims can WooHoo, making achievement tracking difficult.
Its continued presence behind the scenes suggests that it may be re-enabled at a later date, but for now it is not achievable in game-play, and therefore not covered in this guide. Buy The Sims 4 from Amazon [? Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our policy. Jump to comments 0. Star Citizen developer plans person Manchester mega studio. Empire of Sin's free Precinct update and first paid expansion arrive next week.
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Supporters only Letter from the Editor: Feast and famine. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. Never miss a thing. Watch on YouTube. Location Required packs Notes Double Bed Base Game When selecting 'WooHoo' as a social interaction directly on a Sim, the couple will usually default to this location if it's available on the lot. Unlocks the 'Mile-High Club' achievement. Added to the base game with the 20th Birthday patch.