A keyframe is a frame where a changeoccurs in the timeline. A static frame is any frame that is not part of a tween. You arrange keyframes and property keyframes in the timeline tocontrol the sequence of events in your document and itsanimation.
A keyframe is indicated on the timeline with asolid black circle. Nector Kalaev Pundit. How do you create an animated tween shape? To use shape hints:.
Create a shape tween see the previous section. Select Frame 1 of the layer with the animation on theTimeline. Move the shape hint to an edge or corner that you want tomark.
Select the next keyframe in the tweening sequence. Hend Ankeren Teacher. What is frame by frame animation? Frame-by-frame animation is a technique thatcreates the illusion of movement by making incremental changesbetween every keyframe.
Frame-by-frame animation in Animate is similar to traditional hand-drawn cel animation where each drawing is on a separate sheet ofpaper, and it's just as tedious. Clarita Uribiarte Teacher. What does the color coding of the onion skin markers indicate? CH6 What does the color - coding of the onionskin markers indicate? By default, Animate shows the onionskins in previous frames in blue and the onion skins infuture frames in green.
You can use classic tweens to animate between two different color effects, such as tint and alpha transparency. Motion tweens can apply one color effect per tween.
Only motion tweens can be used to animate 3D objects. You cannot animate a 3D object using a classic tween. Only motion tweens can be saved as Motion Presets. With motion tweens, you cannot swap symbols or set the frame number of a graphic symbol to display in a property keyframe.
Animations that include these techniques require classic tweens. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading April 7, at am. April 7, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email Address never made public. I am Super Joei Yeah, I have an opinion about that Xabi's blog. Each tween creates a different effect.
A classic tween is used when making objects fade in and out; or move across a scene. Classic tweens are also used to change the size of an object. A shape tween is used when a color needs to slowly transition to another or when a shape turns into another shape. Shape tweening can also create some interesting effects when a drawing is turned into a shape, text, or another drawing. Consists of one target object over the entire tween. Tweens between two keyframes with same or different symbols.
Uses text as a tweenable type and does not convert text objects to movie clips. Converts text objects to graphic symbols. Does not use frame scripts. Uses frame scripts. Stretches and resizes the tween in the timeline and treats it as a single object. Consists of groups of individually selectable frames in the timeline. Applies eases across the entire length of a motion tween span.