Robes of arcana where to find

It was the only green item that dropped. I also got: - 35 silver big deal - 18 wool worth 43s on my AH - 10 silk worth 19s on my AH - please don't ask me why wool is more valuable; I don't get it either - a handful of linen that I didn't bother to loot - 6 gray items for vendor trash, ranging from 5s46g to 34s51s grand total: about a gold Grand total: the pattern plus about 1g97s in vendor trash and trade goods.

Not the most efficient use of time, but certainly more profitable than spending 15g on it at the auction house. Comment by Allakhazam I just got the pattern from the tower yesterday. After hours of hunting defias enchanters I finally made the trip to the tower and had the pattern within 30 minutes. The tower is a little more dangerous though, be sure to bring banish.

No pattern. So now I'll camp out front and take out the lobby group and the roamings till I get a drop. Comment by Allakhazam I got the pattern once at duskwood with a char that didnt need it whilst i wasnt even farming for it, gave it to a guildie. Comment by Allakhazam Anyone know a place where an alliance player can get this pattern? And what level it is? Comment by Allakhazam Been trying to get this bloody pattern now for weeks and have ended up in a dozen or so bidding wars, with me always getting f'cking outbidded at the last minute.

The last war want to f'cking 14 gold and some prick still outbidded me at the last possible moment. Why is this pattern SO sort after? Comment by Allakhazam Man I am getting bored of this tower, been there for a day now, no drop It wouldn't be so depressing if I got XP points for the people Im killing Comment by Allakhazam Found it after about 20 kills in the Tower cleared 3 times. The Voidcaller on the lowest platform dropped it for me.

Comment by Allakhazam Completed with Lini, my lvl 44 blood elf warlock on Detheroc After about 3 hours in the tower, I finally went to bed. Logged out in the tower so I wouldn't have to make the trip again. At this point, I was on a mission to get that dang pattern if it killed me! When I logged in about 2 hours later, dropped off a lvl 29 on my 1st round clearing in the tower.

Total kills: Lvl 28 - 65, Lvl 29 - Total time: 3 hours 5 mins. Comment by Allakhazam If anyone on Spinebreaker realm needs the robe and doesn't want to grind for it, send me a tell and I will make it for you. Pst for more details. Comment by Allakhazam I must be lucky! Just killed a afew enchanters in Darkshire on my way thru. And I got the pattern! Comment by Allakhazam Got the pattern. Stooopid quest. Anyway, happy to make the robes for anyone who supplies the ingredients.

I don't charge, but I do accept tips! Email in game to either Baroosh or Scorch Alliance, Magtheridon server Edited, Fri Feb 3 Comment by Allakhazam Just picked this up for my warlock quest. We killed 38 Voidcallers over about 2 hours. Easily done with a 39 warrior and 37 priest. Happy Hunting. Comment by Allakhazam well iam a L38 undead warlock :D, and i need this for the enchanted bloodrobe quest. Comment by Allakhazam i've spent the last 3 days hunting for this dang thing and have not found it yet!

Comment by Allakhazam send a tell to Bigsilly, Making them for Alliance with your mats. No tip needed, but appreciated. Comment by Allakhazam I got the recipe by grinding the Voidcallers for about an hour.

Then handle the VW, loot, repeat. If u're kicking around on the EU Terenas server on Horde side and u cba grinding for this recipe for which I don't blame u , PM either Stromrak my main or Kalamitus my lock to get the robe crafted. Edited, Apr 8th am by Stromitus. Normal price premade is 1. Comment by Allakhazam I been farming the tower for such a long time so when I was in Iron Forge and seen none of this pattern for sale I really really wished some people would be nerds and farm this patern.

Comment by Allakhazam I just got this pattern for my warlock alt, name is prutser, server Kul Tiras If you supply the materials to make it, it's free, but please don't push my time, not going to make long trips to make it for somebody else and when I am in an instance or anything you could mail me prutser, dont send em to my mail please the mats to let me make it, please DO add to your mails that its for the robes of arcanah, and if its the wrong mats I'll just send the mats to you with a note of what is missing.

Comment by Allakhazam First kill and dropped for me. Comment by Allakhazam Killed Dark Strand Voidcaller before it dropped, went with my lvl 35 rogue, wasn't that hard, especially since i am on a PvP server, and i am horde :P. Comment by Allakhazam I usually don't bother posting anything, but I was so happy I had to this time I have spent almost 9 hours farming for this recipe in Duskwood, between last night and tonight.

Finally, 45 minutes before the server shutdown Tuesday morning, one of the Defias Enchanters in the barn at Addle's Stead dropped this recipe. I'm sorry I don't have a count of how many I killed, but 9 hours Btw, I was on my lvl gained 2 lvls farming this gnome mage. Comment by Allakhazam Went to Althalax with my rogue 70 and got the pattern after 10min of killing.

While exiting the tower got a second one! Easy to farm. Comment by Allakhazam got one in about 10 kills! Comment by Allakhazam I finally got this from the defias enchanters. It took about 6 hours total and I kept getting ganked by the alliance in Duskwood but I did it. They really do need to have a spot nearer to the horde it just isn't fair.

If anyone wants one on Lightning's Blade send a tell to Melchior. Comment by Allakhazam Was helpng a friend grab the docket in Addle's Stead, and I guess I killed one of the mobs because it dropped randomly. Got to love randomization. Comment by Allakhazam Omg, i found this on my second kill hunting Defias Enchanters!

Im so lucky, i thought id be hunting for hours and BAM there it is! Comment by Allakhazam Was doing Svens Revenge and this dropped off of the second defias enchanter. I had a feeling I'd get one of these too. Comment by Allakhazam I spent 3 hours farming this pattern in Darkshore at the tower. Level 42 warrior here, I killed that night elf at the top 26 times before I found it on one of the warlocks.

I lost track of how many times I actually cleared the tower. But it was worth it for the money. Comment by Allakhazam I got this after about 29 kills of level 29 voidcallers.. I got it at the 2nd or 3rd level. My boyfriend, who plays a 38 'lock got mad and left about 30 minutes. He told me to stay instead of hearth, so I did. We cleared the tower I don't know how many times, but it was worth it not to give up. If anyone needs them on Horde side, please contact Sombrae.

And I was playing a 36 'dead Rogue. It wasn't hard at all. Comment by Allakhazam After killing the defias enchanters in Duskwood for awhile and getting nothing, I went to the Tower and got it on the first Voidcaller I killed.

Comment by Phaesimvotos Can confirm that it drops from Dark Strand Voidcaller too, if you're playing Horde you might consider that since it's easier to access it that Duskwood.

After research I'm positive it should drop in Thousand Needles too but I cannot confirm that since I went to the tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore to get it. Comment by kerrymayall Still drops from Tower of Athalaxx in Darkshore - spend the best part of an hour farming for it on my level 32 lock. Got some good XP out of it all too.

Level 31 warlock and they hit pretty hard. Pull more than 2 and you won't survive. Comment by soundasleepful Beware budding tailors of Classic! This can take forever to drop. It took me just under 8 hours of farming both Duskwood and the Tower before it finally dropped.

Comment by Rostkebab Grinded for two hours as a 40 priest and gave up. Not worth the effort. Comment by sfbuck y'all are gonna hate me for this, but this dropped on the fifth mob I killed after I started farming it, less than 5 minutes not counting travel time Comment by jamina1 Level 35 Horde warlock, took about 10 full clears of the tower, and several deaths.

These mobs like to run away from you and aggro their adjacent mobs, so it might behoove you to be higher than I would estimate I killed about 30 - 40 of them before the pattern dropped. Wish this was more convenient for Horde. Comment by Eluria I have killed 97 enchanters in Duskwood and haven't seen a pattern drop Getting ridiculous here. Comment by Boombomb Dropped after clearing the Tower of Althalaxx for around 8 times.

Pretty easy as a 60 lock, just Curse of Agony everyone from top to bottom, by the time they reach you, most of them are dead. Respawn is pretty fast, too, around mins. Such personal touches I find make the imbuing of magic that much sweeter. It gives you a greater sense of accomplishment. But I understand if you choose the quicker path and have it made for you - there's something to be said for such All magical items must begin with an item of high quality.

The more effort and skill put into an item, the greater the magics it can hold. Find Thread is vendor bought off tailoring merchants. This was just for non-tailorers that wonder where to get regeants.

As for getting pattern, I got it in tower off darkshore, I forgot name, only came once. I slaughtered to top once and it dropped. Its nasty place to solo because adds are easy, and each one comes with void. Good thing to do though, is to wait outside a minute and watch patrol inside. Lot of them walk around, where you'll only get adds if you time it wrong or take too long to kill. Don't forget you can Banish voidwalkers, but fear at your own risk. I never tried the other area, this one has higher drop rate and was easy enough for me.

Left after I got pattern. Comment by Allakhazam I can't believe I haven't posted this here. I was one of those lucky people that only took an hour to farm for the pattern. If you are on Argent Dawn, look me up.

I don't ask for a tip for a combine if you have all the mats. After all, I'm just clicking a button. Comment by Allakhazam Will make for you if your on Kel Thuzad server: Need to supply own materials: 16 silk 2 spider's silk 2 fine thread No charge. Comment by Allakhazam Making it for horde on Draenor as well. I'll even provide my own thread. I usually end up making a robe every week or two, and auction it for 2g, sells like bottled water.

It's also a quest item for warlocks. The pattern, as reported, can be a real pain to get. Best place to farm it is in the tower in northern Darkshore, alliance area, ugh. I got mine on the 11th kill; I was ready to give up after The bottom of the tower has 3 sets of mob that drop it, you can solo them one at a time, wait for respawn, repeat. Comment by Allakhazam if anyone can make this on kilrog let me know. Comment by Allakhazam Darrowmere - Horde side I can make this item if youre interested on darrowmere horde.

Send a mail to Chantie, I will do it for free but you need the mats. Comment by Allakhazam Could any1 pls help me out? Comment by Allakhazam I'd like to buy the Robe of Arcana on Korialstrauz or however its spelled pst Mordanon for details. Normal price premade is 1. Comment by Allakhazam Making robes of arcana in Stormreaver horde side for 1g. Go farm the pattern. Comment by Allakhazam Hi mates: If there is anyone in need of these robes on the Frostmane server, just pst Enaell or write me a mail if I am not online.

Comment by Allakhazam I can make these for you on Medivh, contact Nicodemous ingame. Premade they're 1g25s, otherwise the price is negotiable if you have silk and spidersilk to supply. Edited, Tue Jan 18 Comment by Allakhazam I know the frustration of finding this pattern, and beleive me everything that people say about this pattern is true. It has to be the hardest drop that I've run across. I recommend asking around for someone who has the pattern.

Send and email to Torous within WoW on Arthas server and either supply me with the reagents or ask me to make it from scratch. I'll make it for 1 gold negotible for anyone supplying the reagents. For the time you send looking for the pattern you could almost level twice.

Comment by Allakhazam Looks much much better on Undead than Dwaves Comment by Allakhazam Attempted to buy this on AH, but after several days, only one became available at a minimum bid of over 4g. Coupled with the total pain of getting spider's silk to drop ANYWHERE, the effort to create these is tremendous, but the end product for the warlock quest is awesome.

Cost will be higher if I have to obtain the silk from AH as it is outrageously expensive I'll cut price further if you are able to donate silk towards the creation need 16 pieces, or 4 bolts. Send me an email or PST in game to "Slake". Comment by Allakhazam Hi all, After spending many hours in Darkshore I finally managed to obtain this pattern.

I will craft this robe for any hordies on the EU Quel'Thalas server. Contact Scry ingame. Comment by Allakhazam Can do it for a few silvers donation if you supply all the material on shadowsong server. Mail to Hillary on Shadowsong server. Send in-game mail to Dinah. Comment by Allakhazam I can craft this Horde side on Archimonde.

Message Inmemory. Comment by Allakhazam The pattern dropped for me after farming the tower a couple of hours. Comment by Allakhazam I am on Dark Iron.

Send me the mats plus 2. I will make the robe for you - a tip would be appreciated. View in 3D Find upgrades Quick Facts.


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