So it makes sense that you might want to experience the moment when you find out if you're pregnant or not in the privacy of your own space, or on your own time.
However, before taking that test, there are a few things you should be aware of when interpreting the result—namely the possibility of false results.
We respect every patient's decision to test at home, or wait for the results of the blood test, but in the event that you do test at home—regardless of what it shows—it is important to continue all prescribed medications until told otherwise by your provider. Nidhee Sachdev. Gestational surrogacy could make your impossible dream possible.
You worry, especially, about the process of transferring an embryo to your womb. Will it be painful? Here are 8 tips to help you to look after your wellbeing during the two-week-wait and endure the impatience did it work, can I test? First you need to remember that you have just undergone serious stimulation of your ovaries and are probably still taking various hormones.
Sometimes the twinges, cramps, and soreness you are feeling are really just regular twinges, cramps and soreness. Trying to read into every signal from your body will only contribute to your anxiety and stress and it is just about impossible at this stage to determine if these are pregnancy symptoms, PMS, or the additional hormones. The sad and hard reality is that PMS and symptoms of early pregnancy are almost identical as both cause an increased production of progesterone.
With literally hundreds and thousands of articles abound on the internet it is easy to get caught up on reading everything and anything that might be related to you.
Dr Google is in fact not a medical expert with years of education and experience. Too much time obsessing on the internet can make the two-week-wait feel like two months, and relentless pondering is highly linked to anxiety and depression. Whatever means of support you have found that works for you, stick with it. This may be seeing a therapist or counsellor, attending a physical support group, or being a member of an online forum or support group. It is important to have people to prop you up through the tough times as well as the good times.
Decide in advance whether or not to take a break from social media:. As luck will have it, just because you are slap bang in the middle of an emotionally exhausting two-week-wait, you will see a pregnancy announcement from someone who only had to look at their partner in order to conceive. Try to decide in advance if such announcements will be uplifting or crushing, and make your decision based on how you think you will react.
Depending on what week the ultrasounds take place, you may even get to see the baby's heartbeat. The first ultrasound may be too early to really know.
If you, unfortunately, developed a case of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome during treatment, your symptoms may last several weeks. They may even get worse. Be sure to stay in contact with your doctor. Let your doctor know of any worsening symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome right away. OHSS can be dangerous and life-threatening if left untreated.
Your fertility doctor will transfer you over to the regular OB at about the 8-week mark. You may be excited to see a "regular" doctor—finally!
You may also feel nervous. If an extra ultrasound would help calm your nerves, go ahead and ask. Your doctor knows how much you've gone through to get pregnant. Feeling nervous is completely normal and understandable. Pregnancy after IVF conception is associated with some increased risks and complications. Instead, they are more likely associated with the original reason IVF was needed in the first place—infertility or advanced age.
Some pregnancy risks and complications that are higher after IVF conception include Pregnancy after IVF is also more likely to require induction of labor and have a higher risk of cesarean birth. Get diet and wellness tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy.
Zollner U, Dietl J. J Perinat Med. Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for VerywellFamily. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page. It has been used by women to detect pregnancy as early as three to five days after an embryo transfer.
Because early on in pregnancy hCG levels rise rapidly, a positive result will get darker each day that you test. The closer you are to your beta hCG date, the more reliable your early pregnancy test results will be. Beta HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy and detected in the blood.
A beta HCG test is a blood test used to diagnose pregnancy. The beta hCG differs from a home test:. The beta hCG level is important to checking the growth of the embryo and highly predictive of a live birth.
Read more about the basics of IVF here. Halle Tecco is the Founder of Natalist, and an infertility warrior.