The free calls you get with a BT landline don't include calls to numbers beginning or Other numbers not included in your free calls are calls to mobiles, premium rate numbers, international numbers or calls to the Channel Islands, indirect access numbers, operators and directory enquiries.
Some calls to and numbers might be free from your BT landline, depending on which calling plan you're on, so check the terms and conditions. Your plan will not include dial-up internet calls to internet service providers, calls to dial-through or calling card access numbers.
See here for the latest BT call costs. You can't send text messages to numbers starting 03, 08 or 09 unless the organisation that you are trying to contact specifically says that they can receive text messages sent this way.
If not, there may be other ways to contact them for free. Check out our full commenting guidelines. By clicking on 'Post Comment', you're agreeing to our Commenting Policy. Tags Mobile Phones Bills. How to avoid making expensive calls When you have to call a company to pay your bills, book a ticket or sort out a problem, your heart can sink when you see an expensive number.
Is there a charge for numbers? Calls to numbers beginning and are free from all landlines and mobiles. The cost of calling service numbers - that's numbers starting , , 09 and - is now clearer. These numbers are used for everything from finding out information to banking, directory enquiries and entertainment services. The call charges for these numbers can be confusing. So, from 1 July , the costs were split into:.
The total cost of the call is the service charge plus the access charge. If you call a service number, you'll see both the service charge and the access charge on your bill. Find out more about call charges for pay monthly or call charges for pay as you go. No, numbers aren't part of these changes and calls from mobiles to these numbers may still be charged for. Ofcom has decided the number range will be withdrawn in See Ofcom for more information on UK Calling.
Yes, the service charge is set by the organisation you're calling, not the telephone provider. Companies and organisations that provide services using , , 09 or numbers will have to make sure the service charge is clearly shown close to the telephone number wherever they promote the service. The organisation you're calling and the phone company that's connecting your call. Additional Income Source — Although owning an number is far from a money-making scheme, the service charge payable to you does help to cover essential costs like operator wages.
Despite these benefits, numbers are dwindling. Since then, the public and private companies know better than to trust numbers. Read our latest blog post now. Experience the power of eReceptionist with a -Day Free Trial. Start Trial Try risk free. Try It Free Try risk free. Watch the Video. Not missing a call is just one part of your call management strategy. After you answer can be improved too with mystery shoppers It's a case of Press 1 for Success or 2 for Failure — make sure your caller menu is a success with these easy tips.
Choosing a telephone number that suits your business can be crucial for your potential customers. At eReceptionist we work with startups all the time, here's some tips that we've seen really work. No different to fixed landlines when you call, find out how virtual numbers make business growth easy and cost effective.
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