School children at this time were taught that using slang was taboo and improper, but children will be children and innately want to do what is forbidden.
So, slang began making its way amongst the youth. During the post-World War I era, society gained new attitudes about slang and there was now a demand for slang in entertainment, mass media, and fiction. Today, slang is embedded in our culture and people use it everyday even though they might not realize they are using it.
But not all US slang is universal either. Different slang is used amongst different cultures, popular interests, occupations or where you live.
For example, I used to work at a ski resort in the Rocky Mountains and all the skiers had their own slang, which was only known amongst skiers. If we said some of these slang words in a group of non-skiers, or in a state where there is no snow, no one would know what we were talking about. And there are many more. I actually had to learn these slang words when I first started living at the ski area. I thought maybe he was a very spiritual, peaceful person therefore people referred to him as the famous Indian peace leader, Gandhi.
Movies like Clueless and rap culture brought to life fun slang words and phrases in the 90s. See a few bits of s slang for you to enjoy. Slang from the s is still making its way around the world today. You're likely to recognize a few of these from daily life. Slang is defined as an informal language with widespread usage.
This way, our language renews itself and changes with the times. Slang words show the attitudes of the group or subculture that uses them. Slang can appear as a brand new word, a new meaning for an existing word, an abbreviation for a word, or a word that becomes more generalized than its former, narrow meaning. It may help to go over what is not considered slang.
That said, like slang itself, the definition of what is and isn't slang is constantly evolving. In the case of American slang, in particular, to the first English-speaking settlers of America, any word not used in Britain was — by definition — slang.
Over time, those words became a part of the common language. Chesterton wrote in , "All slang is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry. Read more about slang in our 30 examples of slang words. Since you've enjoyed the history of slang, you can check out the American Slang Dictionary. All rights reserved. Origins of American Slang Words The slang of the United States has diverse origins, and it's impossible to identify the origin of it all.
Subculture Becomes Culture American history is defined by an ongoing process of ethnic and social minorities assimilating into mainstream culture. History Matters With Slang Not all slang comes from the gradual processes of assimilation and appropriation, however. Losing one's temper became going nuclear or having a meltdown with the advent of atomic power. A series of shootings in the s, all committed by a particular class of civil servants, added the synonym going postal.
Likewise, moonshot , spacey and far out all owe their origins to the space race. History of Artistic Slang A subset of historical slang is artistic slang when slang words enter English from fiction.
Today, for example, you might refer to your perfect curls as on fleek. What do all these interesting words have in common? But guess what? Adults use them, too. What are slang words? They say something about the attitudes of the people, groups, and subcultures that use them. It began as a dialectal word in northern England that was used to refer to territory or turf. Over time, it came to refer to the people who would advertise and sell goods in certain locations. Eventually, slang became the term used to describe the colorful, informal speech these salespeople used.
You may have noticed that new slang words tend to pop up quite often. They can appear as new meanings for existing words, brand new words, or abbreviations for words. Can you think of any recent examples? So where do all these new slang words come from? Language grows and changes over time. New words and new meanings for old words come about all the time. This happens as people seek to express themselves in new, creative ways. Slang allows people to be funny, clever, different, shocking, friendly, or even secretive.
Over the past couple of decades, many slang words have come from three specific sources. These are popular music, politics, and the Internet.
Popular music, especially rap and hip hop , has led to many slang words. Lyricists contribute by coming up with more creative ways to express themselves.
Politics has also given rise to numerous slang words. In large part, this is due to how divided people seem to be over major issues. For better or worse, words such as snowflake , woke, and triggered have taken on new meanings. Often, this is thanks to constant bickering before, during, and after election cycles. Perhaps the biggest source of slang words, however, is the Internet.
Sometimes, this happens due to the changing nature of technology itself selfie, anyone? The Internet inspires more new slang words than anything else. It also helps those words to enter our minds and change our language more rapidly than ever before. The Internet and social media can help a new slang word pop up and be known worldwide in a matter of weeks, if not days.
What kind of slang do you use? When you think about it, you might realize many of these words come out when you speak. Spend some time today comparing the slang you use with words the adults you know used at your age. Are you ready to engage in some wordplay?
Be sure to check out the following activities with a friend or family member:. Hi, Alex! Slang is actually used because people seek to express themselves in new, creative ways, and it allows people to be creative in communicating with others. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! HI, Jonathan!
You bring up a great point: slang is changing all the time!! And, thanks to the internet, it's changing even faster! What are some new slang words that are popular?
Great question, Kimberly! People use slang words to express themselves creatively, and over time, this language evolves! We're sorry to hear that, j. Hi, Ryan! We're real people, and we appreciate the 'thank you! How did your study about the south go? We're thrilled that you are thinking critically about the use of slang words, Jacqueine!