Crocodylus porosus. Tropical to warm temperate latitudes in the eastern Indian and western Pacific oceans. Mangrove forests and other coastal habitats. Ambush predator. Order Crocodilia alligators, crocodiles, and relatives , Family Crocodylidae crocodiles.
Reaching lengths of more than 23 feet 6. Saltwater crocodiles of this size are capable of eating just about any animal that strays too close and are particularly adept at drowning terrestrial creatures like birds and mammals. Named for its ability to survive in full salinity seawater, saltwater crocodiles typically live in brackish low salinity water near the coast.
Though crocodiles and their relatives have a negative reputation among people, most species are relatively harmless and would rather avoid people rather than confront them. The saltwater crocodile, however, is known to show aggression towards people — partly a result of its strong territoriality — and is responsible for at least several dozen attacks on people each year.
If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Reproduction Polygynous from Britton Males take multiple partners Short-term pair bonding has been described for Nile Crocodiles and other species Females may mate with multiple partners Siblings known to have different fathers in some species of Crocodylus Britton Seasonal reproduction from Britton Reproductive activity confined to several months per year Clumped pattern of courtship, mating, and nesting Nile Crocodiles usually breed once a year in South Africa.
In males, the cloaca holds their penis, which they keep internally when not in use. Male crocodiles maintain a territory in which several females may reside. Males will guard their territories from other males through a series of vocalizations and aggressive postures. If such displays do not dissuade a trespassing male, the conflict may become physical. Battling crocodiles thrash, bite and claw their rival, trying to obtain a dominant position.
Eventually, the loser will retreat, and the winner will have acquired or successfully defended a bevy of females. When approaching a female, courting males will emit vocalizations and swim around prospective mates closely, attempting to entice them into breeding. Crocodiles typically mate underwater. Baby crocodiles do sometimes get eaten by other crocodiles who are not discriminating when it comes to food choices. Even when those choices include cannibalism.
Crocodiles are fascinating and mysterious creatures. Because they mate in the water and release cloudy pheromones while doing so scientists have not come to fully understand the procedures of copulation. Interestingly, in captivity the breeding seasons are about a month behind wild crocodiles of the same type. Nick Lee is a former vet assistant and animal lover who likes to research, write about and share his knowledge of all things animals.
He has a poodle mix named Theo and a cat named Mariska, who he loves dearly. He has been writing for Ned Hardy since its inception. Your email address will not be published.