But in the Step Event, it would reset the value constantly. So it needs a statement where it only goes through setting the alarm once. What I use is a switch statement with a new variable for each behavior it does. It's also fine to use Enums for this once you're familiar with it. But I prefer ints to get started. Personally, I prefer custom variables to define counters and timers, as you can write these out in the step event completely, which I could try to explain later.
The sprite changes to up after 3 seconds, and then down immediately. The error occurs right after the sprite changes into the last sprite of the array:. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. How long does it take to learn Game Maker? What is room speed? How many steps are in a second GameMaker?
Is GameMaker Studio 2 Easy? How do you set Room speed in Game Maker? How do you make a timer on Game Maker 2? What is an alarm in GameMaker? Is GameMaker 2 Easy? When to use step event in GameMaker Studio? How is time split in GameMaker Studio? What are the dimensions of a game maker? How many times does a step event run? How do you change room speed in Game Maker 2?
How do you make a timer in Game Maker? This means you may not need any code to deal with the collision, but this event will still need to have at least a comment in it for the collisions to be detected. Finally, it should be noted that all collisions will be calculated once per game step before the collision event is triggered, such that when the collision event runs, all collisions will have been calculated already and pre-assigned.
This means that if you create an instance in this event and then try to check for a collision with it, the collision wont be detected or resolved until the next iteration of the game loop.
Letting the player control the different aspects of your game is very important, and to that end GameMaker Studio 2 provides you with a very comprehensive list of keyboard events that can be used in any of the three main keyboard categories. For the general Keyboard category, it is triggered continuously every step for as long as the selected key is pressed down, while the Press and Release category events will only be triggered once when the key is initially pressed down or released.
It should be noted that keyboard events are actually triggered in all active instances in a room whenever a key is used, but only those that have an event defined for that particular key will respond and you can create multiple keyboard events in any object and the instances of that object will respond to all of them while the game is running.
When you add any keyboard event to an object, you will be presented with the keyboard sub event menu where you can specify the key you are to be checking for:. Most of them are fairly obvious, but let's just go through the sections briefly - at the top we have the arrow keys, followed by the most used modifier keys, then the rest of the keyboard split into further sub-sections so you can get the exact key required like or and finally two very special sub events, No Key and Any Key.
As their names imply, these are sub events that check for when no key is pressed or for when any key is pressed. Please note that the keys on the numeric keypad only produce the corresponding events when Number Lock is enabled. The Press and Release events for the keyboard are almost exactly the same as the regular keyboard event, except that instead of being triggered continuously, they are triggered once only.
When the keyboard first registers that a key has been pressed it will generate a Keyboard Pressed event as well as a regular Keyboard event , and the first time after that where a key is no longer being detected as pressed it will trigger a single Keyboard Release event. Mouse Mouse.
The Mouse category is separated into a series of events that can be selected to give you a more precise control over what is happening in your game. Here you can see exactly what these events are:. The left , right and middle button events whether normal , pressed or released all work on the mask of the instance that has the event. What this means is that GameMaker Studio 2 will check the position of the mouse in the room when those buttons are used against the collision masks of the instances that have a mouse event.
If there is a "collision" with the instance bounding box then the event will be triggered, so make sure that any instance with these events has a sprite with a valid collision mask or that the object has a mask sprite selected in the object properties. As their names imply, these events will be triggered either once when the chosen mouse button is first pressed or released, or continuously each step while the button is maintained.
The mouse enter and leave events are also similar to the button events in that they too rely on the mask of the instance to work, but this time they are triggered when the mouse first "enters" touches the instance or when the mouse "leaves" stops touching the instance. These events are not continuous however, and are triggered only once for each time the mouse enters or leaves the object - so they are an ideal method for creating, for example, buttons that need to change as the mouse hovers over them before going back to normal when the mouse is removed.
Finally we have another section to the mouse events which is called the Global Mouse. In this sub-menu you will find a selection of events that are for recording mouse events in instances even when the mouse is not over them or even near them. These are events that are generated for all instances and if there are actions or code defined for the specified event then it will be run, regardless of the position of the mouse within the game room.
Please note that on mobile or touch-screen devices the left mouse button can also be used to check for a finger tab on a touch screen, and the right mouse button is triggered by a double tap on the screen this behaviour can be changed using code.
Gestures Gestures. This event is the one that will be triggered by the user touching the screen on mobile or clicking and moving the mouse on all other platforms. These events are similar to the mouse events, in that you have regular versions and global versions.
The regular versions of these events will only be triggered when the touches occur on an instance that has a sprite or a mask and the touches occur within its bounding box. The global versions of these events, however, will be triggered by the user touching anywhere on the screen. For full details on all the available sub-events and how they work, please see the following section:.
Create event This event happens when an instance of the object is created. Destroy event This event happens when the instance is destroyed. To be precise, it happens just before it is destroyed, so the instance does still exist when the event is executed! Most of the time this event is not used but you can for example use it to change the score or to create some other object. Alarm events Each instance has 12 alarm clocks. You can set these alarm clocks using certain actions see next chapter.
The alarm clock then ticks down until it reaches 0 at which moment the alarm event is generated. To indicate the actions for a given alarm clock, you first need to select it in the menu. Alarm clocks are very useful. You can use them to let certain things happen from time to time. For example a monster can change its direction of motion every 20 steps.
In such cases one of the actions in the event must set the alarm clock again. Step events The step event happens every step of the game. Here you can put actions that need to be executed continuously.
For example, if one object should follow another, here you can adapt the direction of motion towards the object we are following. Be careful with this event though. Don't put many complicated actions in the step event of objects of which there are many instances. This might slow the game down. To be more precise, there are three different step events. Normally you only need the default one. But using the menu you can also select the begin step event and the end step event. The begin step event is executed at the beginning of each step, before any other events take place.
The normal step event is executed just before the instances are put in their new positions. The end step event is executed at the end of the step, just before the drawing. This is typically used to change the sprite depending on the current direction. Username: Password:. About Features Directory Banners Contact.
This website requires Javascript to run, please enable it Designing Games with GameMaker Events GameMaker uses what is called an event driven approach. This works as follows. Whenever something happens in the game the instances of the objects get events kind of messages telling that something has happened.
The instances can then react to these messages by executing certain actions. For each object you must indicate to which events it responds and what actions it must perform when the event occurs. This may sound complicated but is actually very easy. First of all, for most events the object does not have to do anything. For the events where something must be done you can use a very simple drag-and-drop approach to indicate the actions.
Collision events Whenever two instances collide that is, their sprites overlap a collision event appears. Well, to be precise two collision event occur; one for each instance.
The instance can react to this collision event. To this end, from the menu select the object with which you want to define the collision event. Next you place the actions here.