Garen does a average job of beating Mordekaiser. Typically, he wins a acceptable Qss will cleanse that cc which terminates his ult. The role of Morde in a team fight is not to kill the adc specifically.
Mordekaiser Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Kennen, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of League of Legends most often picked champions vs Mordekaiser, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity. Teemo has done a decent job of countering Mordekaiser. Typically, Teemo wins a acceptable That straightforwardness might mean he's not particularly viable in high level play, but that's alright. Not every champ needs to be.
I personally would argue not every champ should be. What pros need out of a champion is often very different than what a typical player wants out of a champion, and with how big our champion roster is, we should try to have options for everybody. Edit: That said, he might get picked in pro-play - and that would be awesome! I'd be incredibly thrilled. Just stating that "pro viable" wasn't one of our high level goals. Originally posted by MaliciousMetal.
You did my absolute favorite champion justice and I'm looking forward to what you guys have brewin' for the future! I've been a League player since early alpha, and there was a decent stretch many years ago where I mostly played Morde.
So, my biggest fear in doing this VGU and I have this fear every VGU was utterly ruining the champion for people who liked the old one. When I did Nunu, as an example, he had a couple of really iconic, good abilities even by today's standards so in a way, it made the rework a bit less stressful because from the beginning, I already knew what his Q and R were going to be.
That's pretty stressful for me. You have to make a lot of assumptions, and even though we talked to Morde players, put in a lot of reps on live Morde to make sure we were feeling fresh on his current kit, there's always that risk of getting it totally wrong.
What made you decide to add cleansable effects besides Cleanse to Morde's ult? Just curious! Also another thing, new Morde has very little sustain compared to old Morde. Was this one of his old issues, since mixing together lots of sustain and shielding might become problematic? We were primarily looking to make sure that the ult wasn't a guaranteed long-duration banish. Without the ability to cleanse it, it makes the Morde player's choice around who to ult a lot less interesting. You basically would just build tanky and R the highest threat target and put them into a long time-out while your teams teamfight.
With the ability to get out of it, it motivates the Morde player to build offense so they are more than just a tanky CC bot, and to think more about who to ult, and why, and when. Originally posted by matt Morde went through a rework before.
When you rework a reworked champion, is there an iteration you look upon as inspiration? Does the original morde take preference, juggernaut more, or do you focus on completely reworking the champ while simple holding onto to their theme? Also, why does Riot rework champions in general? Why are older champions not left alone and new "reworked" kits not attached to a new champion so both can exist in the game? For your first question: the high-level goal in VGU is to make the champion fulfill their promised fantasy and to better-serve the players that we believe should like the champion.
So to also go into your second question, with Mordekaiser, you had this armored, mace-wielding character that was somewhat like a death knight, so you would expect players who want to play a character like that to enjoy him, but his kit's mechanics were such that he felt like this short to mid range mage, and not like what the fantasy should've been delviering.
Edit: And to tack on a bit more for your 2nd question, in this particular case, we don't want to make another character that is similar to Morde but better serves that fantasy or those players. It's just better to take him and rework him so he's still the one-true king of the death realm.
Originally posted by CosmicGuide. Was his R called the Shadow Realm internally? Or did the community surprise you with that nickname? We called it the shadow realm, spirit realm, death realm, etc. The name was pretty nebulous internally during development. Originally posted by -Falrein. Well anyway let's see! Mordekaiser and the archetypes he represents aren't my jam, but he's a nicely written character!
Although I have some questions But I've always wondered, what happens if one was able to directly attack his soul? Could you clarify if he planned a betrayal from her in particular, or if he had just planned to be brought down at some point, and didn't expect LeBlanc to betray him? I think that would help a lot! That'll be all for me! Thanks for hosting that AMA, and thanks for all your work! Love y'all! I'm not a writer so this isn't the real rules or canon, but in my fantastical imagination, Mordekaiser's spirit is immortal and cannot be hurt, or killed.
Originally posted by Spideraxe It didn't impede development in any way, it was a pretty smooth process. Most of the kit direction was pretty locked when Endless hopped on so it was a easy transition. For Narrative Faux had his narrative personality and high level story already locked as well, so it was just a matter of writing the VO and color text based on that. For Art the high level concept was also already locked down by BravoRay so KindleJack mostly had to just work out all the details.
League of Legends Wiki Explore. Runeterra Locations Factions Species Timeline. Short stories Video lore Books Alternate Universe. Tales of Runeterra League Animation Workshop. Lux Warmother Zed. League of Legends.
Champions List of champions Free champion rotation. Skins Chromas Summoner icons Emotes Wards. Items Runes Controls Minions Monsters. Public Beta. Other Titles. Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse. Edit Death's Grasp. Death's Grasp will still pull even if Mordekaiser dies. Death's Grasp will fire from wherever Mordekaiser was at the start of the cast time.
Edit Realm of Death. Ally Spirit Enemy Spirit Realm of Death retains Mordekaiser's previous current health percentage when granting him a portion of the target's maximum health. Realm of Death will cancel and go on cooldown after its cast time if: The target is displacement immune , crowd control immune or protected by a spell shield. The target is a clone or Sion's Glory in Death. Realm of Death will cancel but not go on cooldown if during the cast time: Mordekaiser loses sight of the target.
The target is too far away. The target becomes untargetable. Mordekaiser or the target dies. Realm of Death can be dispelled if: The target uses a cleansing effect, with the exceptions of Cleanse , Mikael's Blessing , and Kled's Dismount.
Soul Unbound's recast is disabled while in the Realm of Death , but will cleanse it if somehow cast. Mordekaiser or the target cast another Realm of Death. The affected champions will remain stuck for the duration of the new circle. Spell shield will not block the initial slow. If the target's health is lower than the amount that should be stolen, they will be brought down to 1 health. Mordekaiser will still get the usual amount of maximum health.
Entering or leaving the Death Realm will cause all targeted projectiles to be destroyed. The transition in and out of the Death Realm doesn't interrupt channels.
Grand Starfall will always be interrupted from the transition into the realm. The boundaries are not considered terrain Unstoppable Onslaught exception , and enemies that try to move out of the area will be displaced back inside.
Dashes , blinks , displacements and other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired. Realm of Death will not be dispelled if either of the two affected champions enter resurrection after taking lethal damage. It is dispelled if the target enters a zombie state. Any active tether effects both friendly and hostile ones existing on either of the two champions entering the realm will be broken unless the tether is between those two.
Upon entering the realm, Mordekaiser and the target are cleansed from all forced action effects sourced by units other than them.
Mordekaiser grows in size over 0. The target shrinks over 0. Champions are only affected by their boundaries and are not able to see the others. Tahm Kench's Devour can carry a target outside of their circle, but they will be displaced back inside once Regurgitated. An active Cease and Desist on a target outside the perimeter will cause Vi to continue her charge until her circle ends. She can knock back and damage secondary targets multiple times.
Structures exist in all realms at the same time. Turrets will behave normally as if all units were in the same realm.