Rhen and Lars turn the Hind to stone and take the harp as proof. Rhen and her party travel to Land's End, south of the Wildwoods. They find the temple of Vohu Manah, the Druid of Music, uninhabited. In order to rescue the druid, they must travel through the Mount Orion cave system, but the caves are only accessible via boat. The party can find a pomegranate seed and an old lady tending an enchanted garden. Rhen grows a pomegranate and offers it at the altar beside the river at Mount Orion, and the boat floats towards her, allowing her to pass.
Rhen travels through Mount Orion, fighting many beasts both inside and outside of the caves, and eventually reaches the daeva, Nanghaithya, who has stolen Vohu Manah's soul.
After defeating Nanghaithya, Rhen collects Vohu Manah's soul and returns it to the temple. Grateful, Vohu Manah gives Rhen two rewards back at the Sun Temple in Aveyond: a choice of either a sleep flute or a pile of emeralds, and a skull. The druid Dameon has returned to the Sun Temple, as well, and offers to join Rhen's party. The party uses the skull acquired from Vohu Manah to open the path to Halloween Hills.
Rhen and her companions visit the towns of New Witchwood and Ghed'ahre, inhabited by witches and vampires, respectively. In New Witchwood, they meet a witch who gives the party a shovel, a witch who wants to get married, and a witch who wants to send her son away to school.
Rhen introduces Griselda, the witch who wants a husband, to the boat dealer, who will then sell the party his boat. In Ghed'ahre, Rhen meets Te'ijal, a vampiress who wants to explore the world but cannot go out in the sunlight. The Darkness Temple, home to the druid Rashnu, is beside the cathedral in Ghed'ahre, as well.
Rhen plays the organ in the cathedral to reveal a hidden passage underneath the cathedral. The party traverses an enormous maze full of puzzles and riddles in order to find and defeat the daeva Zarich and rescue Rashnu's soul. Rashnu offers Rhen a choice of reward between a pile of coins and a bottle of sun block, which can be given to Te'ijal.
A grateful Te'ijal, if given sunblock, will join Rhen's party. Rhen uses her new rowboat, sold to her by the recently wed boat dealer, to travel to the Western Isle. The passage to Sedona, a major city on the Western Isle, is only accessible by land via the Peninsula Trade Route, and Rhen cannot yet travel to Sedona by boat. They also locate the cottage of Velgerd. The gate in his yard blocks the way to the cave system in which Tawrich, the daeva that stole Armaiti's soul, is hiding.
Velgerd opens the gate for Rhen only after she has obtained his glass eye, which was stolen from him by his brother, Dorvan. Dorvan lives in the Mystery Manor in the Lowlands, and he only relinquishes the glass eye after a battle with Rhen and her companions.
The party returns the eye to Velgerd and travels through the caves behind his house to defeat Tawrich. Once Armaiti's soul is restored, she gives them a Merchant's Pass for the Peninsula Trade Route and a choice between a climbing guide and a cooking kit.
Clearwater, Rhen's old hometown, is also in the Highlands. When Rhen returns home, she finds that little has changed; however, when she speaks with her parents, they reveal to her that they are not her parents by birth. Rhen learns that she is the heir to the throne of Thais and destined to save the world from Ahriman. She is reluctant to accept her fate, and does not immediately agree to become queen once she has defeated Ahriman.
Rhen and her party travel through the Peninsula Trade Route to the westernmost point of the Isle. They find the city of Sedona, where Rhen attends a ball, trans her skills, and purchases a manor for herself and her friends. When she visits the palace, she witnesses an assassination attempt against the king.
The party volunteers to hunt down the assassin, and the Sedona paladin Galahad insists upon accompanying them. Rhen tracks the assassination attempt to the thieves' hideout outside of the city. She strikes a deal with the thieves, helping them to acquire a statue in exchange for the name of the individual who hired them to kill the king.
Lord Gavin, the man who sold Rhen her manor, is arrested. Rhen purchases an empty bottle in the junk shop in Sedona. She travels by boat all the way to the Memory Caverns in Aveyond and captures a fairy in the bottle. The party shows this fairy to the Mountain King, who has been fighting with his wife and causing massive snowstorms on the Northern Isle because he did not believe in fairies. The snowstorms cease, and the Snow Queen finally leaves her ice palace to be with her husband over Thornkeep.
The party defeats Indra and returns the soul of Daena, the druid of wisdom, to her temple. In return, Indra offers Rhen a choice between a pile of diamonds and a dizzy doll. There, she travels to the Temple of Strength, home to the druid Eithera. In the demon caves, she finds a lamp with a genie inside.
The genie is distraught because the daeva Saurva has moved into his lamp, and he asks the party to find him a new home. In order to obtain this lamp, she must earn the respect of the royal family by defeating the Queen's husband in combat. The Queen then sends Rhen on a quest to find her a nightingale to ease her sleep. The party captures a nightingale in Sedona and brings it to the Queen, who gives Rhen a dragon bridle in exchange.
The genie moves into the Queen's lamp, and the party enters his old lamp to defeat Saurva and collect Eithera's soul. Eithera will give the party either a mithril rapier or a demon summoning spell. Rhen finds a dragon in the caves on the Southern Isle, but cannot fly it herself. The only dragon rider she can find is Pirate John, a man in jail in the Veniara Islands just to the north. The party liberates him from jail, and he agrees to stay with them as long as they need a dragon rider.
Now that Rhen has a dragon and a capable dragon rider in her party, she can fly to Thais, which is not accessible by boat. She touches down in the Blasted Lands, the remnants of the once-prosperous territory around Thais. Here, Rhen begins to contemplate her future, and whether she should become queen after all. The daeva Aesma has the soul of the Druid of Time, Vata, hidden away in the Dark Caverns; however, Rhen cannot defeat the daeva because he moves too quickly for her to even see him.
With the squirrels. In the Highlands, they are in a cave in the SW. Use a map of the Highlands to find the path. In the cave you can take the birdseed. Make sure you have spoken with the empress first. How do I find out who stole the corn?
It was the squirrels, in a cave, SW on the Highlands map. The Empress in Veldarah will give you a quest, and in reward you will get the dragon bridle. In the last tree there is a ladder leading downwards, and you will come to a cave. Down there eventually you will find the Queen Harpy. After killing it, it will no longer be poisoned. Go to Mysten Far, in the basement, and touch the statue, and you will enter the dreamland. From the entrance, head in the east direction.
Pular no carrossel. Anterior no carrossel. Enviado por czar Denunciar este documento. Fazer o download agora mesmo. Salvar Salvar Aveyond para ler mais tarde. Pesquisar no documento. Aveyond General What are the Swords of Power, and where can they be found? Get it in Aveyond What different guilds are there, and where can they be found?
On the East Veriara Island, a Pirate sells a picklock for gold. Where do you get a shovel? Do the mini quest for a witch in Witchwood. When you give King Lionel back to the elves, it will be your reward Where do I find a book for the book collector in Ghalarah? What great deed do I have to do to become a sword singer? You have to defeat the hind, who is at the southernmost point of the wildwoods area.
Where is the boar? Where is the wizard to un-curse the boar? The necromancer, at the south of the city, a shop marked with a star. Wildwoods How do I get Elini to join? How do I defeat the Hind? How do I get the boat dealer a wife? Where can I find a ghost to haunt the vampiress's house?
Where is Danny? Where is the elephant garlic? It's located in the Halloween Hills, which is accessible after defeating the daeva and obtaining the Skull from Vohu Manah at the temple.
The Skull unlocks the gate covering the entrance. Aveyond Wiki Explore. Recent blog posts Forum. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? New Witchwood. Edit source History Talk 0. Quests and Objectives [ ] [needs more content] Sludgemaster - Grazilda wants her new home to have an authentic disgusting swamp, and for that she needs a Sludgemaster. This item can be gotten from Teacup Town.
Once it's retrieved, return to Grazilda and exchange it for the Red Slippers.